Membership is open to homeowners living in Mohegan Lake, NY, in any one of three Sections (1, 2, or 3), which include Cabot Lane, Crawford Rd, Decatur Rd, Horton Rd, Lawrence Rd, Lincoln Dr, Parmly Ct., Parmly Rd and Lakefront Ave.) (Not sure you're ready to join? See 10 Reasons to Join here.)
To join or renew, fill out this form below and hit "submit."
Choose your preferred option to pay your dues:
Option 1: Mail a check in the amount of $280 (payable to Association of Lake Mohegan Park Property Owners) to: Association of Lake Mohegan Park Property Owners, 3197 Parmly Ct., Mohegan Lake, NY 10547.
Option 2: Pay via credit card, debit card or PayPal. To do so, email lakemoheganpark@yahoo.com to receive an online invoice. Please note you will be charged a transaction fee of $7.84 due to PayPal terms.